Download PDF by Jake Pickle,Peggy Pickle,Ann Richards: Jake

By Jake Pickle,Peggy Pickle,Ann Richards

"My lifestyles has been given exact purpose," Jake Pickle says. "Some males reside to generate income, drink, chase girls, gather paintings, excel at a recreation, or pursue different issues that supply them excitement. the object I obtained addicted to used to be supporting humans. and i have had the privilege of aiding humans via the hundreds of thousands. Serving in Congress was once the best honor of my life."

during this ebook, Jake Pickle tells the tale of a life-time in public carrier, together with thirty-one years as consultant for Texas' 10th Congressional District. Jake tells his tale through telling stories—most of them funny, a few poignant—that upload as much as a warmly own account of his existence and career.

on the center of the publication are Jake's tales of political existence in Washington, Austin, and at the crusade path. those variety from hilarious money owed of all which can and does take place at small-town Texas parades and rallies to transparent, no-baloney factors of a few of the main laws that Jake helped to move. His tales approximately Social safety reform, tax-exempt organisations, and pension fund reform laws make those complicated subject matters effortless to understand.

This e-book was once written as a collaboration among Jake and his daughter, Peggy Pickle. It bargains the joys of hearing a born raconteur spin his stories, whereas it finds the ethics and integrity of a guy who by no means forgot that the folks elected him to serve them.

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Jake by Jake Pickle,Peggy Pickle,Ann Richards

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